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Announce Your Association Election with AssociationVoting

So you’ve joined the ranks of associations that offer the convenience of online elections to their members! We estimate that 60% of associations offer online elections or a combination of paper ballots and web-based ballots for officer elections and/or voting purposes. Do you want to increase your voter turnout? Are you hovering around 25% voter turnout in your election? Even if you garner 50% of your members participating in your association election, would you like it to improve. Here are a few tips to increase your voter turnout:

  1. Announce your online election on your website well in advance of the event.
  2. Announce your election via an email campaign to your members well in advance of your election.
  3. Remind your members of the upcoming election in your newsletter and email communications. In your email communication, let your members know that the online voting process is easy and FAST. Make sure you keep your ballots short so that members complete the voting process quickly without frustration.
  4. During the election window, ping members who have not voted via email with an “only 24 hours left to VOICE your VOTE…Click here to VOTE” type message!

AssociationVoting can help you drive awareness of your next online election with our announcement service! Contact us for more information on our new Announcement Service!

Post submitted by Greg

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