Getting Started: Your Online Election is Secure

Features, Voting Tips

If you and your organization are serious about conducting your next election on-line, your planning discussions may turn to the security of your voting process. Your members should know that the organization’s voting member list will not be sold or shared. You can be confident in that.

To ensure that every election is secure, we at AssociationVoting:

  • Use industry-standard 128-Bit SSL encryption for all election access – both for you and your voters.
  • Use a number of external security scanning and auditing services to verify services and software
  • Secure your voting manager area with a a unique username and password
  • Enforce one member/one vote by requiring voters to identify with a member number or other unique identifier and ensuring only one cast ballot per identifier
  • Ensure voting accuracy by enforcing limits on the number of candidate or write-in selections per position and provide a prompt error notification that requires repair before the ballot can be cast
  • Require voter validation of selections as a preview step before a ballot can be cast
  • Maintain a detailed audit trail of voter selections and ballots cast, available to your voting administrator as the voting results PDF and also enabling validation of challenged ballots or results

In addition the following security related items are important:

  • Optional certified election results include a signed copy of the voting results PDF, certification letter, and electronic storage of your voting results for 12 months
  • Optional enhanced email announcement service provides added voter verification and security by requiring voters to follow a voter-specific URL or enter a unique security code

All of this is done to make sure your organization has confidence in your election on AssociationVoting.

Post submitted by Johanna

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