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The Benefits of Using AssociationVoting

Maximize Voter Turn Out with Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns create voting awareness early and drive higher voter turnout.

Save Time and Money $$$

Features to save you time also save you money as many are INCLUDED with all election types!  Don’t pay for extras like: quorum monitor, real-time reporting, support, multiple admins, email announcement with reminder, unlimited groups/districts, randomize candidate presentation, candidate bios/pics, abstain controls, quorum monitoring, ballot preview and testing, & election start/pause/end controls!

Secure and Convenient enforces one member-one vote by requiring voters to identify with a member number or other unique identifier, ensuring only one ballot per identifier is submitted. Using industry-standard 256-Bit SSL encryption for all election access – security for both you and your voters.  Use a number of external security scanning and auditing services to verify AssociationVoting services and software.


A number of convenient features to support your secure election are always INCLUDED, like: multiple admins, IP tracking, login failure reports, and past election reports, voting receipt, customizable login credentials, & voter authentication.

We Are Here to Help

You’re in Control to Make Changes & Customizations

Your Election = YOUR RULES! Secret Ballot, Fully Transparent Results, IP Tracking for Audits

Success is in the details – BEST Online Voting Software

100% Human Support Regardless of Plan Purchase Price

Easy to Use

  • Jumpstart your process by copying a previous year’s ballot, settings, instructions, etc.
  • See past election ballot language, voters, results – all conveniently saved for you.
  • Create or Clone / Test / Launch / Store for next year.
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