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Hybrid Election

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We know that making the transition from paper ballots to online voting can sometimes be a bit difficult. We are here to help! AssociationVoting offers a hybrid election service to ease the transition to simple, online elections, while providing accurate results that include paper ballot voters. Mail or fax us your paper ballots, and we will include your paper ballot counts in the election results summary report! Rejected ballots will be acknowledged in ‘Rejected Ballots’ and sent back to the association as requested. There is a per-ballot processing fee for each ballot tabulated.

If you would prefer to process the paper ballots internally, our election system supports your processing initiative. All paper ballots processed in the election system are identified as “internally entered ballots” for audit purposes. Use our Member Personalized Printable Ballot Generator to generate a printable PDF for each member with a member tracking identification label – making printing, mailing, and tabulating easier for your team. Our election system prevents over-counting – one member = one vote!

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