Site icon AssociationVoting

Getting Started

What do you need to get started?

Let’s say your organization has been looking for a way to reduce the amount of paperwork and overall effort of printing, mailing, counting ballots and verifying your upcoming election. Well, you have found and looking at the options offered is a good idea. Usually new users will read through the requirements and the structure of the voting process and find that the site is well organized, clear and that it can help you by prompting for the elements needed for your election:

There are a few things that are needed to get ready for the vote and here is a shortlist of what you needed to collect or identify:

1. List of ballot positions, candidates for those positions, and the number of eligible slots per position i.e. vote for no more than two for Board Representative at Large.

2. List of ballot proposals for this election

3. List of members who can vote which includes their Member Number, First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password.

4. List of groups – if some individuals can vote on certain Ballot Positions or Proposals, you can identify that group and only they will see that portion of the election.

5. Timeline for the voting window – when voting opens, when voting closes.

6. A person or persons to collect these items, enter them into the site, and be available to answer questions from the membership via email.

Once you have these six items – you are well on our way to vote online!

Post submitted by Johanna

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