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Why use a third party for your AssociationVoting Needs?

AssociationVoting customers answered this question with some great insight as to why working through a third-party for association elections is a WIN for the association! We’ve listed a few of the reasons our customers have chosen AssociationVoting—an impartial, professional, online voting service provider. Many of these reasons will resonate true for just about any association that holds elections.

  1. Boosts Participation. When members know a third-party is involved in the election process, they have confidence that the election results will be accurate and UNBIASED. Association staffers or friends of the current Association leadership aren’t tabulating the election results!
  2. Illustrates the desire of the Association Leadership to garner the opinion of all of their members.
  3. Shows the election history. Not only does an impartial, third party count the votes, but an audit trail can provide unimpeachable voting history.
  4. Improves member engagement by providing a quick, easy way for them to make their voice heard in their association

Post submitted by Greg

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