Getting Started: What about a Hybrid Election?

Your organization may be like others that have members who need assistance in making the transition from using a paper ballot to using online voting. AssociationVoting has developed a hybrid election service to ease the transition to simple, online elections, while providing accurate results that include the data from paper ballot voters.

The Hybrid Election feature allows the manager of your election process to use the Member Personalized Printable Ballot Generator to create an individual PDF of the ballot which can be emailed or to print out a personalized ballot which can be sent by U.S. Mail (or other delivery service) to any member who needs a paper ballot. As a part of the voting process, the individual who needed that paper ballot is blocked from also casting an online vote; this voter cannot accidentally vote twice.

Your organization can collect the paper ballots that have been cast and then mail the completed paper ballots to AV. AssociationVoting will include your paper ballot counts in the election results summary report! Check for other potential options at the time you order your election from AssociationVoting.

This is yet another new feature that AssociationVoting brings to your organization’s election and hopefully assists in making sure that all members can vote. Please request your own Free Trial or order this service by clicking Buy Now:

Post submitted by Johanna

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