Getting Started: Increase member awareness and simplify your election

About, Features

Your organization’s election is important. Making sure that all members are aware of the election and that they all have a time to vote that is convenient to them are both critical to a successful election. If voting members must attend a meeting in order to vote, or if they have to get a ballot in the mail, complete and then mail it before a deadline in order to vote – you may find that fewer votes are cast than you had hoped.

AssociationVoting has two elements for increasing voter turnout:

  1. Drive member awareness of the election and
  2. Simplify the voting process.

The following are suggestions your election committee can do and special features for these two processes that are provided by AssociationVoting.


  • Communicate the polling dates to your membership base in advance with AssociationVoting’s email announcement service.
  • Post the upcoming voting window on your website’s home page and on your social network. Tweet about your upcoming election!
  • Announce the upcoming election at meetings and in your monthly newletter.
  • Craft a “Welcome to Online Voting” email with pertinent information regarding the voting experience like expected time to complete a ballot online and basic process highlights.
  • Send a “Vote Now” reminder prior to the close of the polls to those members yet to cast a ballot via AssociationVoting’s email announcement service.


  • Link to your Association Voting online election from your website’s homepage to drive fast access to the election service.
  • Create a appropriate voting window—long enough to allow everyone the opportunity to vote BUT not so long that it de-motivates voters from voting NOW! Some sense of urgency can drive faster response.
  • Utilize Association Voting’s online voting service to offer an easy 24×7 voting experience. Cut the delivery time of cast ballots to instantaneous for you and your members!
  • Voters want a secure, accurate and private voting experience. Third party solutions such as AssociationVoting’s online voting service provide the integrity and simplicity your members seek in an election experience.
  • Ensure the data voters need to make an informed decision is available in real-time! Association Voting offers the option to post candidate bios with candidate photos to offer information when it is needed during the voting process.
  • Provide a special voting welcome note with organization specific instructions from your association in AssociationVoting’s online voting service.

If your organization’s members are aware of the election, they receive timely reminders and the election is convenient for them to complete, your election should have an increased voter turnout and a membership that has ownership of the process.

Post submitted by Johanna

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Getting Started: Viewing a simulation of the voting process
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Getting Started: Your Online Election is Secure

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